Case Study

Beyond Subcontracting:


Hidden Costs and Risks

Client: PetroChemical Facility
Location: Gulf Coast, Texas
Services Provided: Demolition & Restoration, New Installation, Foundations & Structures, Excavation & Transportation, Form Work & Reinforcement, Concrete Work, & Backfill & Leveling.

The problem with many contractors is their inability to handle the full scopes of work and their need to outsource portions of the project. This is where cost, safety, schedule, and quality issues hide.

Currently in the middle stages, this latest project is ahead of schedule, on budget, and with zero incidents.

Project Highlights:

  • Demolition & Restoration: Remove and restore existing reinforced concrete pipes (RCP) and concrete trenches.

  • New Installations: Install new RCP, access roads, and catch basins, and modify existing V ditches.

  • Foundations & Structures: Construct foundations for pipe racks, equipment, shacks, and supports.

  • Excavation & Transportation: Manage extensive excavation works and transport excavated materials.

  • Form Work & Reinforcement: Execute detailed form work and reinforcement, including the installation of anchor bolts.

  • Concrete Work: Pour, place, and cure a total of 1,159 cubic yards of concrete.

  • Backfill & Leveling: Complete backfill and leveling with both crushed concrete and onsite material.

THe Project By the


Excavation & Haul Off: 1,241 CY

Form Work: 23,150 SF

Rebar: 165,000 lbs

Anchor Bolts: 920 (all 7/8”+ in diameter)

Concrete: 1,159 CY

• Backfill: 3,467 tons (combined crushed concrete and onsite material)

RCP Pipe: 622 LF with multiple catch basins

Driveways: Demo of 7 driveways with 18” RCP

Why Our customer prefers an

end-to-end service

providing contractor

“Taurus’s dedication to detail and constant craftsmanship. This has enabled us to realize savings through minimized rework, specification adherence, and application of innovation learned from past practices.”

- Representative From PetroChemical Facility

Ready to increase profits,

safety, and quality?